
Dog Training Services

Walk of Life Dog Training provides exceptional dog training and behavior modification. We offer a variety of services to help improve the bond between you and your dog. From group classes and real world training to private sessions tailor made to correct specific issues between you and your dog. Take a look at all of our services below.

There is no better peace of mind than a well trained dog.
It’s Science! It’s FUN!


Reverse Board and Train

I offer what I call "Reverse" Board and Train program, where I stay in your home and train your dog. I offer this service as a day only. This program is usually a 5, 7, 10 or 14 day program but can be customized. This is the most popular for house training, and behavior modifications. With my "Reverse" B & T, I can train your dog in the comfort of your own home during the day while you're at work. After the training is complete, I will provide you with one in home FREE private training session for every 5 days that your dog was enrolled in my program.


Private Training

This is a private one on one session including you, your dog, and trainer. These lessons teach how to take a positive leadership role with your dog in their own environment. The focus is on obedience and manners through communication. These private training session are tailored to specific issues you and your dog are dealing with. Through dog training classes and behavior modification, we can help you help your pup reach a happy and healthy relationship.


Group Classes

We offer group classes for dogs of all ages where you and your dog can learn while socializing with other dogs and people. These are fun group settings. Proper training is essential for a long, happy and safe relationship with your dog. It is also a great way to make sure your dog remains physically fit and socially engaged in a more relaxed environment.


Real World Training

Wouldn't it be fun to be able to take your dog on a walk, or to a restaurant, and have that piece of mind that you don’t have to worrying about their behavior? How it works: We will pick a location and work on your dogs behavior to be around people, dogs, etc. The real-life issues. This will allow us to improve walking technique, perfect commands with distractions, practice proper greeting with people and dogs.(4) 60 minute sessions


Basic Obedience

In basic training work within your dog’s learning capabilities. This requires on-going reinforcement and a bit of time. We need to make sure your dog retains all of the information. These skills are the foundation for a well trained and obedient dog. All ages can trained. You can definitely teach an old dog new tricks. Basic training includes classes on: stay, sit, down, come, touch, leave it, place, no jumping, no biting, and leash walking.


Advanced Obedience

While most dog owners fine basic training sufficent, some want to go that extra mile. Often times owners find their dog obeys commands when he or she is on the leash, but not when he or she is off. Off-leash training creates a stronger bond between and your pet.


Behavior Modification

Dogs will be dogs. If your dog is jumping, counter surfing, being aggression, suffers from separation anxiety, digging, possessive, or any other destructive behaviors, he or she will benefit from this training.

Ready to find out more?

Contact Walk of Life Dog Training to schedule
a training session.

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